Sat. Feb 22nd, 2025

Common Physical Signs of Mental Illnesses

A quote reads:

            Those who suffer from mental disorders are tougher than you imagine! They fight to care for their dear ones, to start working and to be there forfamilies. Acting “normal” has to become a process, while the battle gives incredible pain.

The body undergoes many changes and challenges when the mind suffers. There are numerous studies to prove this. Mental health and physical health are closely interrelated. Chronic health disorders can increase the risks of mental issues like stress and depression. Likewise, mental illnesses produce physical symptoms. In this short article, you will read about the physical signs and symptoms triggered by mental disorders.

Symptom #1 – Obesity

According to the US National Library of Medicine, mental illnesses like schizophrenia and bipolar disorder can result in obesity. These illnesses increase the risk of accumulating unhealthy weight. Most people with BPD have a body mass index of 30 or more. People with schizophrenia are at 4 times the risk of being obese. And, people with BPD have double the chances of becoming obese. Weight gain is influenced by many factors like medications, treatments, workouts and food habits.

Symptom #2 – Distress

People with mental illnesses are more likely to feel distressed and sad. They are bound to experience sleeping issues and low energy levels. Insomnia can make a person feel very tired. Chronic fatigue syndrome and depression are often accompanied by tiredness and “lengthy” sleep patterns. These symptoms must be treated with care! For more details on how to cure fatigue caused by mental disorders, visit

Symptom #3 – Aches

Those pains and aches related to mental health disorders can become worse with time. Sadness and depression can intensify pain. A study conducted at Harvard Medical School revealed that suffering minds and bodies in pain need similar treatments. People with chronic pain are three times more likely to suffer psychiatric disorders. And, people with depression are 3-times likely to experience bodily pain.

Symptom #4 – Twitching

Clinical research proves that muscle twitches can signal bigger health problems. These health problems can develop anxiety. Doctors treat muscle twitching as a sign of anxiety. Sometimes, the twitching represents nerve damage or MS. There is a thin line between twitches and tics. Tics represent an urge for muscle contraction. This is a controllable response. On the other hand, twitches are involuntary muscle movements.

Symptom #5 – Chronic Sinus

An article published in Psychology Today explains why depression and chronic sinus illnesses are linked. More than 1-quarter of individuals with chronic sinus issues face depression. Chronic sinus itself is a dangerous health condition. It makes individuals feel stuffed up! Chronic sinus creates unnecessary pressure in facial regions. With depression, it becomes very difficult to handle chronic sinus.

Symptom #6 – Weight Loss

Just like obesity, people with mental health issues are likely to lose weight. Anxiety and depression can result in intense weight loss. In fact, they lose their desire to have food. Keith Humphreys, a Psychiatrist at Stanford Health Care proved that depression creates an imbalance in hormones. Depression can make people feel full even when they are hungry!

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