Sun. Feb 23rd, 2025

Family Planning With a Surrogate: 3 Questions To Determine If Its Right For You

Hitting a hurdle on your way to forming a family is frustrating, yet it is reassuring to know that you have options. Working with a surrogate is an effective way to make your dreams of having a baby come true when you are struggling with a physical issue that impacts your ability to have a healthy pregnancy. Naturally, you have a lot of questions, and this is one decision that requires careful thought. However, thinking about these three considerations helps ease the decision-making process so that you can be certain if surrogacy is the right option for you.

Do You Fully Understand The Process?

There are many myths about surrogacy, and you should be sure that you have the facts. For example, there are two ways that a surrogate pregnancy can happen. A gestational surrogate pregnancy involves fertilized eggs from someone else being implanted in the surrogate’s uterus. In this type, an intended parent’s eggs or sperm can be used if they are viable. In a traditional surrogate pregnancy, the surrogate’s eggs are used. This type is rarely recommended due to the genetic ties it creates, and it is challenging to find a program that offers this type now that new medical advances have made it possible to use eggs from a donor if necessary.

Can You Provide Support to a Surrogate?

The emotional relationship between you and a surrogate is completely between you two and your partner if there is one involved. Yet, you will be expected to provide certain types of financial support to your surrogate throughout their pregnancy. For most surrogate arrangements, you will be responsible for financially supporting things such as prenatal appointments and other health care needs related to the pregnancy. Some families also prefer getting to participate in other aspects of the surrogacy and communicate in-person or over the phone about the pregnancy is progressing. While it is up to you how close of a relationship you form with your surrogate, it is good to have an idea upfront regarding how you prefer things to proceed.

Are You Truly Ready to Have a Family?

Dreaming of a baby is a normal part of life, yet have you truly asked yourself if you are ready to do what it takes? Once you have a child, you are committed to providing for their wellbeing for life. It is also important to make sure that you have the support of your loved ones as you go through the process. If you are in a committed relationship, then your partner must also be on board. Talk to those who know you best, and consider their thoughts as you make this decision.

When you have discovered an obstacle on your path to parenthood, reaching out for support is the ideal way to make your dreams come true. While it does take some planning, surrogacy is an option that takes the hardship out of family planning while giving you the chance to open your home and heart to a child who will thrive as a member of your family.

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