Thu. Jan 23rd, 2025

Supplements That Can Have a Contrary Effect on Users

Nutritional supplements that promise a whole series of beneficial effects on the body have gained notable popularity in recent years, including those that are not certified in terms of safety and efficacy.

Men use these products especially for increasing sexual performance, developing muscle mass, or preventing chronic illness, without knowing that many supplements in this category may even be harmful to health in general, not just ineffective.

Non-recommended dose for men:

  • Grassroot grass (Epidemium)

Adherents of natural medicine promote Epidemium, also called aged goat grass, as a remedy for erectile dysfunction, due to the rich content of epimedium – which would have a stimulating effect on blood circulation in the penis. Goat grass got its name after a shepherd noticed exuberant sexual behavior among goats consuming the plant.

What is worrying is that these supplements are not authorized, since their curative effects have not been seen among people. In addition, companies are not required to label all the ingredients on the label, which could trigger allergic reactions. Some researchers have even accused Epidemium supplements of being contaminated with arsenic and lead, toxic metals for the body.

  • Vitamin E

Although it is one of the basic nutrients for many body functions, vitamin E taken by men, especially in combination with selenium, would increase the risk of prostate cancer, according to a study conducted in this regard. Other scientists, who did not consider there was sufficient evidence to support the theory, have disputed the results of the research.

In this confusing context, doctors recommend following the safe path and avoiding high-dose supplementation of vitamin E, all the more as this does not bring real health benefits.

  • Beta-carotene

Beta-carotene supplements, in combination with vitamin A, may be dangerous for men, especially for smokers. Some studies suggest that the two nutrients may predispose men to an increased risk of lung cancer, especially among smokers.

Toxicity can come from the fact that the body does not remove excess amounts of vitamin A, but rather stores them. And as the body turns beta-carotene into vitamin A, it is easy to understand why the combination of the two can have a toxic effect.

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