Sun. Feb 23rd, 2025

Public Defender’s Selection Criteria according to criminal law

Assistance is provided for families with incomes of up to three minimum wages. And beware: they do not just look at your income statement, but the assets you have. So, real estate owners or vehicles may find it difficult to get service.Go to one of the law firm units, get a password to expose your case (which is the screening) and return on the day indicated to present the documentation proving the income required.

Documents required for the Public Defender’s Office

You will need to bring: original RG, documents that prove your income and proof of residence (general accounts). Depending on the type of action, other documents will be requested throughout the process, such as a divorce certificate, for example, which may be required in family law cases.

Attendance of law students in every country

When your action is not a small cause, instead of going to the law office, you can seek out free assistance in law-studios at universities. Stay tuned for what you need to know before asking for college help and, below you know the colleges that provide this service throughout the country! Know the criminal defense lawyer education requirements which will help you to hire the best lawyer after judging their educational background.

The rules of free service

Each office has its restrictions, so it is important to be aware of the conditions for service. Most attend to cases following a monthly income criterion, and some offices serve only residents of regions close to the unit. But that has one reason – keep the cost down. The offices restrict the neighborhood mainly because attending in nearby forums avoids the costs of trainees and professionals.

The type of case served

Depending on the office, you can ask for help in all areas of law or only in some specific sectors. There are offices that only carry out processes related to Consumer Law, for example, while others specialize in actions in the area of ​​Family Law, as in the case of alimony. What’s more, some offices offer free orientation only, that is, you will not have a lawyer to represent you in the process. Therefore, check the assistance offered by the unit closest to your home.

Who does the free service?

They are students of the law course of the university, but supervised by professors.You should not pay anything for the service offered at these university offices, even when the process is over. In addition, it is also your right to ask another attorney to handle the case if, unfortunately, you have a problem with the office-appointed professional.

Faced with this true nation of lawyers, how to choose the ideal professional to meet your demands? What type of lawyer do I need to hire?The law is subdivided into several disciplines. For example:  Family Law, Criminal Law, Labor Law, Consumer Law, and so on. Some branches of law practice end up covering several of these disciplines, as is the case of Business Law.

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