Fri. Mar 28th, 2025

How to Create the Ideal Educational Space in Your University

We now know from several studies that there is a direct relationship between students’ performance and their study environment. So, as you start your university life, here are some tips to help you create the ideal study space that best suits your personality.

Have a designated study area

Of course, you are in University and have the freedom to study anywhere you want. You can choose to study under a tree, in the student lounge, in the library, your dorm room or in lecture halls after class hours.

A recommended study habit is to have a specific space where you study – could be in your dorm room, library, or wherever – the critical thing is that you have this designated space where you go to whenever you want to study.

The reason is, over time, as you keep using this specific area as a study space, your brain begins to associate the space with studying which makes it pretty easy to switch to study mood once you enter your designated area.

Create your best study environment

No two persons are alike. You are unique, so this impacts your study preferences. Hence, you might want to experiment to identify the kind of environment that inspires you to study the most. And then, to go ahead and keep using that space.

Sure enough, as a university student, you are probably limited in what you can do to improve your dorm room considering that more often than not, you have a roommate you share the room with.

Create a study space that is suited to your needs. Perhaps, you can only concentrate with music playing in the background, in that case, you may want to consider using a headphone while studying.

Or maybe, you prefer open spaces, you could study under a tree in the quad, or make a case for an open space study area using the landscape design ideas that help students focus and relax.

Eliminate every distraction

Now you know which environment you study best, it is time to eliminate anything that does not aid your concentration. Do you find it difficult to concentrate when it is too quiet? Consider playing background music – classical music is best in this situation as you are not distracted with lyrics.

Identifying and minimizing distractors in your study space will help you focus on the task at hand.

Light up the area

A well-lit study space is non-negotiable for productive work. You do not want to struggle and squint your eyes to see what you are reading. If you can, always go for natural lighting.

Position your reading table beside a window to maximize the natural light streaming into the room. If, however, you cannot access natural light, be sure the room is well lit or there is a reading lamp available. Also, be mindful of the light position in respect to your sitting setup as you do not want the light to shine directly in your eyes.

Use ergonomic chair

Nothing kills the study mood and distracts like a hurting back. You may want to consider getting an ergonomic chair that feels comfortable, so you do not have a sore back after studying. When using a laptop, go for an eye-level table. This way, are not stressing your eyes and neck looking at the screen for long periods.

Image Pixabay License CCO

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