Sun. Feb 23rd, 2025

All You Need to Know About the Nevada Gun Laws 

Keeping firearms in Nevada is a legal act. People in Nevada are allowed to keep a firearm without any license and registration. CVW permit is enough to keep the concealed arm in Nevada as discussed on this page where Ladah Law Firm talks about Nevada Gun Laws. Guns are strictly prohibited in public schools, legislative building, VA facilities, and child care facilities. They guide firearm users about the consequences of violating the firearm laws.

For gun sales in Nevada, there needs to be a proper background check of the buyer. Nevada pardon law says that the defaulter or person who has lost their Nevada gun can get back with permission.

  • Guns are prohibited at few locations in Nevada

According to Nevada law, handguns, rifles, and pistols are strictly not allowed in airports across the secure areas, planes, childcare facilities unless without any written permission, schools, Higher Education Institutes, post offices, and VA facilities. Excepting few special cases, military bases are also in this list.

  • Open carry Legislation in Nevada

Openly carrying of firearms is allowed in Nevada. People can carry firearms in vehicles. But, loaded long guns are not allowed. It is mandatory to wear a belt with a holstered handgun.

  • Concealed carrying in-laws

In Nevada, a person who has CCW with validation has the power to carry concealed weapons. Nevada residents get CCW permit being the residents of the state. Others can take the CCW permit from the Department of Public Safety from the State. Buy all your guns, handguns, hunting rifles, PA-10 rifles, assault rifles such as AK 47 rifles, complete with accessories, ammo and all necessary tactical equipment from today.

  • Gun possession is restricted by a few

People who have criminal records in Nevada especially involved in domestic violence are not allowed to keep a gun. Drug addicts, convicted stalkers, mentally ill people and illegal aliens are not allowed to take possession of a gun in Nevada.

  • Penalties imposed in criminal cases for Nevada gun

If someone is involved in shooting guns, criminal cases are imposed on them. Like, someone who has shot in a malicious way specifically in a populated area can get punishment of imprisonment of two to fifteen years. He may require to pay $5000 fine. Even shooting in the unpopulated area is a crime. It comes under misdemeanor carrying. With this, a person may need to spend six months in prison and pay $1000 as fine.

  • While going for a drink and carrying a gun is legal

Yes right, in Nevada carrying a gun when you go out for a drink in a bar is legal. Gun possession in Nevada, with BAL of .1 or, may be higher is a misdemeanor. BAL is Blood Alcohol Level after drink. If BAL is .1 or higher, a person may be charged and punished for 6 months of imprisonment.

  • Special rules for children carrying firearms

Giving some exceptions, children under the age of 18 cannot keep a gun in Nevada. Children, in case, possess any offense by keeping a gun with them are required to do community service for at least 200 hours. Their driving license is suspended for almost 1 year.

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