Sun. Feb 23rd, 2025

5 Signs That Your Motorbike Battery Is About To Die

A battery can be an unpredictable item, sometimes it can fail suddenly without any warning, usually early on a winter’s morning.  At other times it gives you fair warning that its life is drawing to a close.

The following are 5 signs that should not be ignored for too long.  Failure to heed them will eventually lead to you becoming stranded somewhere with a totally dead battery. The signs are given in order of severity and

It is important to note that the average life of a car battery in Melbourne and a motorcycle battery is between 3 and 5 years(if it is well maintained), so if your battery is nearing the upper limit, it should be monitored more closely.3

Sign 1.You bike’s engine cranks slowly.

The indication lights come on, the solenoid clicks in and the starter motor cranks the engine but much slower than normal and hesitantly.  Sometimes the engine will start if you are fortunate or it will just backfire.

Sign 2.Your bike just makes a clicking sound.

When you turn the ignition on and all you hear is a click, this means that the battery has only enough charge left in it to draw the solenoid in but, not enough to operate the starter motor.

Sign 3.Your motorbike’s indication lights are dim.

The lights come on but, when you try and start the engine they go off and nothing further happens.  You can also try and switch the headlight on but, all you are likely to get is a faint glow.

Sign 4.Your bike has no sign of life whatsoever

When absolutely nothing works or comes on at all, then it does not look promising.  Unless the battery has been left to discharge for weeks and weeks, it should not be in this state.  An overnight charge can be attempted but, it is unlikely that the battery will recover.

Sign 5.The battery does not hold its charge.

When an overnight charge does not rectify any of the previous conditions then, you are definitely due for a new motorbike battery from Roadside Response.  If you have one of the older generation batteries that you can still top up, then you can use a hydrometer to test the electrolyte in each cell.  If the hydrometer indicates in the orange or red zones, it means the battery is no longer what it used to be.

The orange zone means the condition is fair and you could possibly get some more service out of the battery, but it could give you starting problems.  Readings in the red zone, especially if it is with every cell, means the batteries’ life is effectively over and it should be replaced as soon as possible.

Final Words

If your motorcycle battery recovered to a certain extent after a long charge but, you are still not sure if it is in need of immediate replacement, then it is advisable to visit a battery specialist who can do further tests for you.

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